Welcome to the Riverside Academy High School Library Lib(rary) Guide!!
I am glad you made it here. Now what?
Well, here you will find a collection of RESOURCES for the library! Weather you are working on your ELA Research project or your Conservation project, this is the place to be.
I am Mr. Lyman your School Library Media Specialist or Librarian. I am here to guide you to and through the resources available to you with Buffalo Public School.
One quick question I would like to address while we are here is the question of WHY? Why use Library resources when I am already online, and have Lord Google? Well, there is nothing wrong with using the internet and Google for your information searched as they provide a LOT of information.
However, in the library, we teach you how to navigate the large amounts of information you will find when looking for answers. Our databases have access to a large variety of information covering many topics. It would be my honor to show you when and how to use them, help you write and teach you to cite all of your sources, no matter where you find them. Are you ready? Let's make it happen!
Always remember, come seeking information, leave wanting more (information).
Readings and Books